New and Traditional Media
We review new and traditional media sources, analyze results and summarize the themes, facts and other information relevant to the client’s interests. We screen out the irrelevant items that can overwhelm clients and distract them from achieving their objectives.
Public Records
We specialize in the collection and analysis of public records including, but not limited to civil and criminal court filings, federal bankruptcies, property transactions and ownership, tax liens and payment histories, civil judgments, military records and voter registration and voter histories. We utilize an extensive network of public records databases and conduct on-the-ground research as needed.
Depending on the specific requirements of a project, we might also review personal financial disclosure reports, corporate and financial records, records of local, state and federal regulatory and oversight agencies, legislative histories and voting records, legislative committee reports, lobbying disclosure reports, investigative documents such as Grand Jury reports and official government audits, and third-party sources such as legislative scorecards.
Government Records Retrieval
We employ the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and appropriate local and state public records laws to access a wide range of official documents from government agencies. These can include regulatory enforcement and compliance records; audits and other management reviews; taxpayer-funded compensation, travel and expense records; correspondence; military service records and other records.
We Don’t Do “Windows”
In deciding on a research consultant, it is vital that our clients know the kind of research we don’t do. Smart Campaigns does not conduct surveillance, dig through trash or engage in unethical or illegal conduct. We do rely on public records and verifiable facts in serving our clients, and we scrupulously adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws.
We consider accuracy and integrity to be fundamental to research and its effective use by our clients. Our reputation and our credibility are our most valued asset. Given the sensitive nature of strategic research, Smart Campaigns does not seek out publicity. Press contact is solely at the discretion of each client.